Performance Adjustments Incoming!

Hello Collectors,

We wanted to give notice that we will be performing some updates today around 14:00 CDT (19:00 UTC) that will change how we handle items in a player’s pouch. All items in a player’s pouch rely on an ordering system to keep items in their place. The current process for maintaining this order is a bit messy and cleaning it up may help overall app performance (especially during a drop, when pouches are a main focus). Although we expect this update to be smooth to implement, we do foresee the order of items in your pouch to readjust themselves as a one-time side effect to this update. Please note that you may return to a new ordering of items in your pouch around the time of the update. Once we’re sure the update is working the way it should, we will announce the “all clear” through Twitter.

Thank you for your patience.

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