Celebrating 2 Years

Hello Collectors!

May 1st marks the second year that WallaBee has been in version 2. Though we’ve had ups and downs during this time, we are working on making the best WallaBee we can! Since we’re at the 2 year anniversary of our newer app, we’re hosting a 24 hour sale in the online store. Celebrate this momentous occasion with your favorite virtual products at a discounted rate! Here’s what you can expect for the next 24 hours!

Date + Time

  • April. 30, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. CDT (UTC -5) to May. 1, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. CDT (UTC -5)


  • 20% off Virtual Products
  • Rare items added to the mixerpool
    • DD Red Egg, TD Yellow Egg, TD Legionary, and more!
  • Mystery Boxes available through foraging at the Helicarrier
  • Benson hitting the map
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