WallaBee 2.1 Notes

WallaBee 2.1

Hello Y’all!

It’s time for another app update! WallaBee 2.1 is now available in the App and Play Stores. We are very confident in this next version of WallaBee. Although there are still aspects awaiting implementation (ability to open Mystery Boxes, break Christmas Crackers, see forum notifications, etc.), we now have a great platform to begin adding these features back into the game. Speaking of which, update 2.1 brings back a great feature to WallaBee: Push Notifications. Immediately after updating to 2.1, you will receive notifications when other players message you. Sometimes this can be delayed by a minute, so no need to worry if you don’t get a notification the moment someone sends you a message. This is normal. We will also be adding the ‘Boing’ sound, badge count, and other types of notifications very soon, which includes trade requests, comments on item history, new blog posts, and much more.

On a similar note, you will notice that some missing mixes have been added back into the game: Trick/Fortune Card, Third Degree Burn/Fire Chief Yote, Mushroom+Alice, Midnight Kiss, and Levitating Ball.


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